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Thanks to your support we have successfully scaled up the equipment and supplies necessary for our new nursery

If we are going to help mitigate climate change and restore more rainforest, then we need to plant more trees.

Climate Change and habitat loss are happening faster than anyone expected. We need to urgently move and plant more trees.

It’s time to grow

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As you may know, the Daintree is a particularly precious environment. When we first considered building the Daintree’s most productive nursery, we were concerned that it was overly ambitious.

It would be the largest single undertaking by Rainforest Rescue, ever.

But because of visionary and generous supporters like you, we are now finally building the Daintree’s most-productive nursery that will have the capacity to produce 150,000 trees per year.

Click here to read all about the journey so far. 

The shared vision to act and the practical means to do so by having such a nursery has been inspiring to witness, and we are incredibly grateful to supporters like you, who have helped get this as far as it is.

The significant 12-fold increase in tree producing capacity is crucial to our plans to revegetate more rainforest and stem the loss of crucial habitats.

New Nursery Update from Allen Sheather

Click the image above to read Allen’s update in full.

Thank you for helping us buy the equipment, consumables, and nursery supplies we need!

In April 2022, we received confirmation from the council that our Development Application (DA) for the nursery has been unanimously approved!

So, there is indeed a sense of urgency about this project. Whether that’s to increase the footprint of vital rainforest habitat or to act on the threat of climate change by increasing the amount of carbon drawn down from the atmosphere, it’s needful, urgent, good action that resonates with people.

At a time when the news often feels overwhelming and hopeless, this nursery offers a tangible and simple solution for action.

The goal for this nursery is to be able to produce 150,000 trees per year, and for this to ultimately be a self-sustaining social enterprise that serves the local community. During construction and when fully operational, it will also provide skilled jobs that make a real difference to people in the local area, including indigenous communities.

We put the call out with the goal of raising $220,000 – once again you went above and beyond, and the final tally came in at a total of $235,533.

Your support has helped us scale up the nursery and create positive impact for generations to come. Thank you!



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Plant A Rainforest - Trees Are The Answer


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