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Business Spotlight – H&B Fencing & Gates

 In Business Partners, Conservation, News, Partnerships, Supporters

Tim Cooper, H&B Fencing

At Rainforest Rescue we love seeing when personal donors bring the rainforest love into their workplace or business. This next Business Supporter Spotlight delves into how a tree planted in honour of Father’s Day, has lead to a Bronze Tiered Rainforest Rescue Business partnership. We reckon that is truly living and breathing rainforest protection and we are so grateful to Dee Fitzpatrick-Cooper and Tim Cooper of H&B Fencing & Gates.


H&B Fencing + Gates Logo


How did you hear about Rainforest Rescue?

My husband Tim is impossible to buy for. He doesn’t like “stuff”, so a few years go we were trying to think of something we could buy him for Father’s Day that he wouldn’t groan at.

We started looking at conservation related gifts and we found Rainforest Rescue.

What was your first impression of Rainforest Rescue?

We were really drawn to the holistic nature and approach of the organization. Being that the land is being purchased and systematically reforested is a massive attraction.

Everything is measurable and visually able to be seen, then to get even better, the trees are locally raised and indigenous to the area so they have an even better chance of success.

Plus, the team are just gorgeous people—so friendly and positive in their approach.

What inspired you to to support Rainforest Rescue?

We had a great time as a family ‘buying’ trees and acreage for birthdays and Christmas etc.; we care deeply about climate issues, deforestation and regenerative agriculture. The change happened when we decided it was time to commit our business which is quite emissions intensive to being a green steel business, becoming carbon neutral and working with established foundations to regenerate and reforest.

How would you describe Rainforest Rescue to someone who’s never heard of them?

It’s funny how often we end up telling people about Rainforest Rescue, particularly now that we’re a committed supporter and even flying up for the tree planting and to assist with the nursery.

Normally I explain it as a foundation that buys the denuded land that used to be rainforest and then replants it, to recreate what was there originally.

One of the questions I invariably get asked is how do we know the money we pledge goes to planting, etc.? And my answer always is—you can see it 😊

The planning and execution is so well done and transparent—it’s hard not to be inspired by it.

What inspires you to continue supporting Rainforest Rescue?

Our work with Rainforest Rescue is part of an overall plan to reduce our mark on our planet. As business owners, we have learned that we cannot do everything and be everywhere so, partnering with an organization that is like minded and achieving wonderful things means that we can do more just by supporting them to make change.

Plus, the team is so lovely to work with that it makes it a joy to be a part of it all.


— Thank you to Dee Fitzpatrick-Cooper and Tim Cooper of H&B Fencing & Gates


Rainforest Rescue Bronze Partner Logo


To find out more about Rainforest Guardians and how you can make a personal contribution to the efforts we are completely focused on—Protecting Rainforests Forever, visit our Rainforest Guardians page.

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