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Special Community Tree Planting Day (18 Sep 2020)

 In Events, News, Restoration, Tree Planting

Tree Planting 18 Sep 2020

We warmly invite you to join us at our Tree Planting on Friday 18 September. Our goal for the day is to plant 2,000 rainforest seedlings at NightWings (2125 Mossman Daintree Road Wonga Qld), to continue the reforestation of an old sugar cane plantation.

The holes will have been dug in advance and the site prepared. All we need are volunteers willing to get their hands dirty to help us plant the seedlings, restoring rainforest habitat. All the young trees have been propagated from seed collected across our Daintree Nature Refuges and grown at our Daintree Native Nursery.

With an 8:30 am start we will be finished well before noon – and hopefully, before it gets too hot!


All Planters are encouraged to consider their health & safety at the event by wearing appropriate clothing, enclosed footwear and a good hat.
We ask that those who can bring their own gloves, trowels & sunscreen to do so. We will have some of these items available onsite, but our goal is to minimise contact.
In light of the current situation with COVID-19, we ask that all planters bring a full water bottle – we will have compostable cups & water available, however, we will not be allowing the direct filling of drink bottles from the water dispenser for hygiene reasons.
There will also be some delicious nut bars (donated by our friends at Brookfarm) and fresh fruit available.
Hand sanitiser will be available on the day and planters are encouraged to bring their own face mask if they wish to wear one during the planting.

Numbers will be strictly limited to 100, as per Queensland Government advice.
Please ensure you secure a free ticket via Eventbrite to avoid disappointment on the day.
If you are on social media, we have also created a Facebook event page for the planting.

If you are feeling unwell, have been to a declared COVID-19 Hot Spot in the past 14 days, or have been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19, please do not attend the Tree Planting. The health & safety of our staff, supporters & the communities in which we work are of utmost importance to us. We thank you for considering others and doing the right thing during these uncertain times.

NightWings Comparison 2016-2019

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