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Preserving Ecuador’s Cloud Forests

 In Conservation, News, Rescue

Rainforest Rescue has been working with project partner, Rainforest Concern since 2003 to support the purchase of critically important rainforest in the Andean highlands of northwest Ecuador. Together, we’re working to preserve Ecuador’s Cloud Forests.

Thanks to the support of our donors, our Save a Hectare project has now contributed towards the preservation of 1761 hectares of these extraordinary and increasingly rare high-altitude rainforests.

Recently our Chair Madeleine Faught, and partner Robert Kooyman, journeyed to Ecuador to meet with Rainforest Concern’s staff ‘on the ground’, gaining first-hand knowledge of project wins for the forest. Sonja Dillman, Administrator of the Neblina Reserve, and Armando Almeida, Land Manager, spent four days with Madeleine and Robert traveling to the different locations, sharing their knowledge of, and passion for, these (now) protected forest reserves.

“Experiencing these forests and seeing their surrounding landscapes offered a stark reality to their vulnerability, highlighting the need to protect them, says Madeleine.

“Entering Ecuador’s Cloud Forest is like walking into a multi-coloured wonder world. Dripping with a remarkable variety of bromeliads, orchids, and mosses, the Cloud Forests are vibrant with plant species, birds, and animals.”

Only 2.5% of the world’s rainforests are Cloud Forests, and 25% of these occur in Ecuador. Recognised as one of the world’s top biodiversity hotspots, Ecuador’s Cloud Forests are hauntingly beautiful and deserve recognition, respect, and protection.

Thank you for helping protect this rainforest in the clouds.


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