Message from Julian Gray

A message from Julian Gray
I’m writing to share some news with you. I’ve had a wonderful time as CEO and together we’ve achieved some amazing wins for Rainforest conservation. However, illness in my extended family means that it’s time for me to move closer to my family back in the UK.
It’s been an honour to have led Rainforest Rescue over the past two and a half years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with the Board and staff, and all our dedicated volunteers and supporters. We should be very proud of our achievements over this period.
Creating the new Cape Kimberley Wildlife Corridor
Rescuing our fifth strategic rainforest block in the Daintree in less than 20 months
Doubling the Rainforest Rescue land protected through Nature Refuge covenants.
Planting over 50,000 trees at the Nightwings site alone, with further rainforest restoration across the Daintree on our own properties and in partnership with local landholders.
I’m particularly proud of our internship programs which have not only delivered some innovative research for Rainforest Rescue but have also provided important learning opportunities for young people starting out in the environment sector.
The recruitment process for a new CEO is well underway. Our small but dynamic and highly motivated team will continue their good work in the meantime. I will also remain an enthusiastic and vocal advocate for Rainforest Rescue going forward.
Rainforest regards,
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