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Because of you, it will be protected forever.

Thanks to your support, we have doubled the size of the protected area in the Cape Kimberley Wildlife Corridor.

The Daintree is one of the most significant ecosystems in the world. It is a living museum and a place of profound and unique beauty which we must protect and conserve. This region of the wet tropics contains some of the greatest biodiversity of flora, fauna and includes many of the most unique animals in the world.

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Lot 41 Cape Tribulation Rd, Kimberley is a stunning example of intact Daintree rainforest… 

The 18.6 ha property is like being in a giant cathedral. It’s a place of spiritual connectivity. A place where you feel more in touch with your own nature—our true, spiritual nature—and in utter awe of nature’s beauty.

The previous owner of Lot 41, Tony, has lived here for over 20 years. Sadly, his wife Cheryll passed away in 2022.

For many years, Tony and Cheryll were working to make their property a nature refuge, however, with Cheryll’s passing, Tony came to us and wanted to ensure that the property is protected forever when, one day, he passes away.

Under the terms of the purchase, Tony will have the option of continuing to live on the property and be its custodian, effectively continuing the legacy of both Cheryll and himself.

We are truly humbled by this.

Lot 41 Image Gallery


Lot 41 is ideally located right next to the National Park and is adjacent to other Rainforest Rescue properties in the Milky Pine Refuge, which is within the Cape Kimberley Wildlife Corridor. This purchase has further contributed to these properties and enhanced connectivity by expanding the refuge and wildlife corridor.

This purchase is history in the making, both in the significant capital involved, and how this biodiversity-rich property is a significant acquisition for the nature corridor and for the overall environmental protection of the Daintree.

Below is a map showing the existing corridor with Lot 41 outlined in aqua, Rainforest Rescue refuges in red, and other purchased properties in purple.

Thank you for helping us secure Lot 41 and expand the wildlife corridor.

PROTECTED – Lot 41 Cape Tribulation Rd


It’s in our nature to protect. With the help of Rainforest Rescuers – people like you – we are significantly protecting pristine habitat for Nature and achieving strong wins for biodiversity. Visit our Properties Rescued page for a full list of properties protected by Rainforest Rescue since 1999.

Rainforest Rescue on Instagram

Have you heard of the #NextGenRainforestRescuers?⁠

They`re a community of young conservation troopers that have been fundraising, planting trees, making documentaries, educating themselves and their peers, and helping create change in many diverse, impactful, and creative ways 💚.⁠

Help us create a better future for all young people by becoming a Rainforest Guardian today: (🔗 in bio).⁠

Or, if you know a #NextGenRainforestRescuer that you`d like to see featured, DM us here 💬 or email 💌.⁠

📷: Martin Stringer⁠

#PlantTrees #DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #YoungPeople #Youth #LoveTrees #RainforestJourney @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #Conservation #Environment #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits

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"Restoration work focuses on the riparian ecotone because this marginal habitat between lowlands and water systems is crucial in stabilising the restored environment, not least because it connects the waterways to the rainforest and reef," Hayden White, Rainforest Rescue’s Land Manager, said to Reef & Rivers magazine. ⁠

Have you read the `Healing The Heart of the Daintree` article yet? 💚 ⁠

Check it out at 👀 (🔗 in bio).⁠

#DaintreeRainforest #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardians #ProtectRainforests #Daintree #ConservationGoals #AncientRainforest #AustralianRainforest #LoveDaintree #NativeNursery #GrowingTrees #NativeTrees #AustralianTrees #GrowTrees #ClimateChange #Donate #PlantARainforest #TimeToGrow #Restoration #RainforestGuardian #WetTropicsWaterways #TropicalWaterways #HealingTheRainforest #ReefAndRivers

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#CritterCorner: Did you know that dragonflies and damselflies can fly forwards, sideways and backwards 🤩? Very skilful. ⁠

Dragonflies and damselflies belong to the ancient order Odonata, a group of winged insects with slender, aerodynamic bodies and toothed jaws. And there are 325 species of dragonfly and damselfly to discover in Australia 💚.⁠ ⁠

Learn about some of these delicate yet resilient critters by visiting (🔗 in bio).⁠

Have you seen any in the Daintree recently? In tropical rainforests they are generally found along creek beds, tracks and in clearings. ⁠

📷: Martin Stringer ⁠

@australiangeographic #DaintreeCritters #Dragonflies #Damselflies #DaintreeRainforest #Daintree #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #Wildlife #Cairns #PortDouglas #Odonata #DaintreeWildlife #LoveDaintree

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Did you know that once the female Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii) has laid her eggs, she departs, leaving the male to incubate the eggs. Once hatched, the male continues in this nurturing role until the cassowary chicks are 18 months to 2 years old. ⁠

Quite the dutiful dad!⁠

If you see such a family on your path give them space and don`t approach, slow down when you are driving and respect their home. We all must take care of these wonderful rainforest gardeners. ⁠

Learn more online: (🔗 in bio) 💙❤️🖤.⁠

📷: Martin Stringer⁠

#Cassowary #SouthernCassowary #Daintree #DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeBirds #RainforestGardener #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardian #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #SupportNotForProfits #Donate #DinoBirds @birdlifeoz @birdsinbackyards @birdsofaustralia @wettropicsworldheritage @qldparks

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Have you heard of #NextGenRainforestRescuers?⁠

They`re a community of young conservation troopers that have been fundraising, planting trees, making documentaries, educating themselves and their peers, and helping create change in many diverse, impactful, and creative ways 💚.⁠

Help us create a better future for all young people by becoming a Rainforest Guardian today: (link in bio).⁠

Or, if you know a #NextGenRainforestRescuer that you`d like to see featured, email us to 💌.⁠

📷: Martin Stringer⁠

#PlantTrees #DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #YoungPeople #Youth #LoveTrees #RainforestJourney @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #Conservation #Environment #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits

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Have you heard of ‘mycorrhizal networks’? These underground networks, created by the mycelium of fungi linking with plant roots, are sometimes described as the ‘internet of the forest,’ allowing trees and plants to share nutrients, water, and even vital information 🍄🌳🌳🥀.⁠

Just as the rainforest thrives through its hidden connections, so too does our work which relies on a vast network of passionate people — people like you — who fuel our mission.⁠

Celebrating 25 years of your support in protecting and restoring rainforests: 💚 (🔗 in bio)⁠
Consider becoming a Rainforest Guardian: 💚 (🔗 in bio)⁠

📸: Dean Jewell⁠

#DaintreeRainforest #ProtectDaintree #TreesAreTheAnswer #RainforestGuardians #FNQ #WetTropics #LoveDaintree #ConservationGoals #Biodiversity #GreenEconomy #Conservation #Reforestation #Regeneration #PlantTrees #NativeNursery #AncientRainforest #ClimateChange #ConservationPartners #EcologicalRestoration #FarNorthQueensland #LoveTrees @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #PlantMoreTrees #RainforestProtection #ConservationCommunity #Mushrooms #MycorrhizalNetworks

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A day in the life of Rainforest Rescue Land Management and Nursery staff.

It’s never boring around here – our on-the-ground team is always busy! As you can imagine, there are some challenges – tackling the tropical heat, torrential rain, bugs that bite, and plants that sting, just to name a few. But these challenges are far outweighed by the positive outcomes we are achieving for nature with your support.

Our Land Management and Nursery staff spend their days collecting seeds, analysing data, observing weather, monitoring wildlife, propagating, planting, soil testing and so much more. Not to mention, their outdoor ‘office’ comes with views to die for 😍.

Working in the Daintree isn`t one of the easiest jobs due to the climate and the terrain here. But it`s certainly one of the most rewarding ones! 

Get involved and let`s plant more trees together: (link in bio).

The better time to plant a tree was 25 years ago. The best time is now.

#DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #LoveTrees #RainforestJourney #Conservation #Environment #ConservationJobs #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #PlantTrees #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits #LandManagement #ConservationGoals #LoveForests #TeamWork #Nursery #DaintreeNursery @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia

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#CritterCorner: Have you seen a Spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus gracilis) 👀? Their population is seriously threatened throughout mainland Australia due to the introduction of feral animals such as foxes, cats and dogs, as well as diseases, and the destruction of their forest habitats. ⁠

Nocturnal by nature, this solitary and bold carnivore usually hunts in open country or woodland. It can occasionally be spotted foraging by day but prefers to spend daylight hours in nests made under rocks in underground burrows or fallen logs. ⁠

Endemic to Queensland, the Spotted-tailed quoll is currently classified as an endangered species under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.⁠

This #BiodiversityMonth, we want to help raise awareness of endangered and threatened species of fauna that are important to the wellbeing of the rainforests 💚.⁠

📷: Craig Dingle⁠

#SpottedTailedQuoll #Quoll #Daintree #DaintreeWildlife #RainforestWildlife #DaintreeRainforest #Nocturnal #Wildlife #ProtectRainforest #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardian #FNQ #TropicalRainforest

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Much like other iconic species, such as the Giant Panda or Blue Whale, Cassowaries represent a much larger slice of their native, natural environment. They act not just as an ambassador for that environment but also as a barometer of its health, sharing that indicator with a broader audience 💙❤️.⁠

It`s with the help of Princess as a figurehead for the Wet Tropics we are as far along the journey as we are today, securing and restoring connected rainforest corridors and intact areas of habitat for other cassowaries to thrive in. We’re ever grateful to WILD LIFE Life Sydney Zoo and its team for their ongoing loyalty and commitment to the Daintree. Partnerships like theirs amplify our vision and bring our messages to people who we might never reach. ⁠

Helping people understand how rainforests are important, full of biodiversity, and essential connections - like the cassowary spreading plant seeds around the forest floor - is vital in creating meaningful change. Having a personal encounter and connection with threatened species can help move mountains when it comes to conservation efforts. ⁠

📷: WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo⁠

#WorldCassowaryDay #TheSouthernCassowary #EndangeredSpecies #DaintreeWildlife #SouthernCassowary #Daintree #DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeBirds #RainforestGardener #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardian #Cassowary #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #SupportNotForProfits #Donate #DinoBirds @birdlifeoz @birdsinbackyards @birdsofaustralia @wildlifesydneyzoo

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26th September is World Cassowary Day, but we’ve decided to continue the celebrations for a few days 💙❤️, we simply cannot stop raving about this iconic, ancient bird. The Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii) is an extremely important species in Far North Queensland’s tropical rainforests 🌱🌱🌳🌳🌳. ⁠

The gentle treatment of the fruits through the Cassowary’s primitive digestive system means the seeds are passed relatively unharmed and are ready for germination in their own “compost heap” of dung. Thanks to these rainforest gardeners, the rainforest keeps expanding! It`s a win-win for everyone.⁠

Learning a little more about this very important and endangered bird can make a huge difference to our entire planet: (link in bio) 💙❤️. ⁠

Often, the more we know the more action we want to take. And together, we can protect the rainforest and its habitats FOREVER. ⁠

📷: Robert Tidey⁠

#WorldCassowaryDay #TheSouthernCassowary #EndangeredSpecies #DaintreeWildlife #SouthernCassowary #Daintree #DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeBirds #RainforestGardener #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardian #Cassowary #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #SupportNotForProfits #Donate #DinoBirds @birdlifeoz @birdsinbackyards @birdsofaustralia ⁠

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It’s World Cassowary Day 💙❤️🖤.

When we began our work - 25 years ago - the vulnerability and decline of the Southern Cassowary in the Daintree was already well documented. We became one of several organisations working together to halt the population and habitat loss of this prehistoric ‘Rainforest Gardener’, with campaigns and activism highlighting the urgency of their plight as an endangered species in the region. But, as we know, often grassroots action isn’t enough - issues like the Cassowary’s decline need people like yourself to become aware, to care, and to spread the word.

Today we are excited to introduce you to one of our #PartnersForProtection, @wildlifesydneyzoo , home to a male Southern Cassowary named Princess 👸.

For the last ten years, the keepers at WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo have been educating visitors about the Daintree Rainforest and its incredible inhabitants. Central to this is a charismatic representative of rainforest royalty, Princess the Cassowary. Isn’t he just majestic!

According to his keepers, Princess was mistaken for a female before a DNA test proved otherwise. He also hates getting his feet wet even though most Cassowaries love water, and he refuses to eat certain fruits with seeds in them. Rainforest Rescue was just 2 years old when Princess was born, so in some ways we have grown up alongside each other.

This week, please savour a moment to reflect on your own support of rainforest conservation and restoration, consider the millions of years that cassowaries have roamed the Daintree and how fortunate we are to share the present day with them and perhaps pass on Princess’ video to someone you know to help raise awareness 💙❤️🖤.

#WorldCassowaryDay #TheSouthernCassowary #EndangeredSpecies #DaintreeWildlife #SouthernCassowary #Daintree #DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeBirds #RainforestGardener #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardian #Cassowary #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #SupportNotForProfits #Donate #DinoBirds @birdlifeoz @birdsinbackyards @birdsofaustralia #PartnershipsForProtection

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Nature provides the building blocks for our survival, such as food, clean air, water, and shelter. Nature also supports our health and wellbeing, and our economy. And while we need nature, nature also needs us. This is why we are committed to restoring and protecting the rainforest, together with like-minded and passionate conservation warriors.⁠

Join the movement - consider becoming a Rainforest Guardian today: (🔗 in bio) 💚.⁠

📷: Martin Stringer⁠

#DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #YoungPeople #Youth #LoveTrees #RainforestJourney @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #Conservation #Environment #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #PlantTrees #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits

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#CritterCorner: Almost exclusively aerial, the White-throated Needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus) can fly at speeds of up to 130 km per hour ⚡️.⁠

This is equivalent to about two times as fast as a gazelle, or about three-and-a-half times as fast as Usain Bolt... impressive! ⁠

Needletails feed on flying insects, such as termites, ants, beetles and flies and can catch their food mid-flight with ease. ⁠

These very special birds are currently classified as a vulnerable species under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.⁠

This #BiodiversityMonth, we want to help raise awareness of endangered and threatened species of fauna that are important to the wellbeing of the rainforests 💚.⁠

📷: Philip Chantler and Guy M. Kirwan⁠

#RainforestGuardian #DaintreeBirds #Birds #BirdNerd #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #Needletail #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #SupportNotForProfits #Donate #DaintreeWildlife

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It`s a World Rivers Day today, which is a great opportunity to help highlight the precious value of our rivers, increase public awareness, and encourage the improved stewardship of all rivers around the world. ⁠

Rivers in virtually every country face an array of threats; and only through our active involvement can we ensure their health 💙.⁠

Two major rivers define the two access points to the Daintree Cape Tribulation Rainforest, the Bloomfield in the north and the Daintree in the south, with various creeks and water holes, all of which nurture the rainforest, and provide a home to many water dwelling critters. ⁠

Take a moment today to learn more about the waterways around you and the creatures who rely on them - notice how we are all connected 💙.⁠

In the Daintree area and wanting to explore the local rivers? Get in touch with our friends at @solar_whisper to book your zero emissions tour 🐊🚤.⁠

📷: Martin Stringer⁠

#WorldRiversDay #ReviveOurRivers #DaintreeRainforest #FarNorthQueensland #EasternKukuYalanji #RainforestGuardians #ProtectRainforests #Daintree #ConservationGoals #AncientRainforest #AustralianRainforest #LoveDaintree #ProtectRivers #Rivers

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With over half of the world’s ancient plant families occurring within the Daintree, it’s very much a ‘living museum’. ⁠

Today, our seed collectors want to share with you a little about the collecting they do. They are usually found investigating the leaf litter for fallen fruits or keeping an eye on the ripening berries at select locations. ⁠

Seeds really matter! If we are going to help mitigate climate change and restore more rainforest, we need to plant more trees. To plant more trees we must produce more trees. ⁠

With your help, we have built the Daintree’s largest nursery that will ultimately produce 150,000 trees per year - ready for the replanting of almost 25 hectares of rainforest habitat every year. ⁠

Collecting native seeds plays a huge part in the intended reforestation. ⁠

As our skilled seed collectors are looking for Idiospermum australiense, Elaeocarpus grandis, Homalanthus novoguineensis and many more other species` seeds they are focusing on strategic and effective rainforest preservation. ⁠

Read more: (🔗 in bio) 🌱.⁠

📷: Martin Stringer ⁠

#DaintreeRainforest #SeedsCollection #NativeSeeds #Seeds #NativePlants #Daintree #PlantingTrees #GrowingTrees #LoveTrees #ClimateChange #TreesAreTheAnswer #Plans #Reforestation #ProtectDaintree #DaintreeFruits

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‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud’ 🖤💛❤️.⁠

During the first week of July each year, National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia, helping recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.⁠

This year, we had the opportunity to participate in the vibrant NAIDOC Week festivities in Mossman where we could connect with the local community and contribute to the spirit of the day.⁠

Our stall was nestled amongst an array of other displays, including art from our good friend Sheryl J. Burchill and other talented local artists with their creations, such as hand-made t-shirts, painted burnie beans, and woven baskets, as well as traditional dancing and music.⁠

It was a fantastic day and we were honoured to be part of it. Shout out to Brody & the team at @mossmansupportservices who led the charge in organising the celebrations 👏🙏.⁠

Read more online: (🔗 in bio) 🌿.⁠

#NationalNAIDOCWeek #AustralianRainforest #DaintreeRainforest #Mossman #AboriginalAustralia #NAIDOCWeek #lNAIDOC #FNQ #Daintree #IndigenousAustralia #IndigenousArt #IndigenousDance #RainforestPeople #FarNorthQueensland ⁠#KukuYalanji #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe

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