Lot 27 Cape Tribulation Rd will be protected forever.
Because of you and your support.
This rescue increases essential wildlife habitat and connects protected rainforest to the Daintree National Park / World Heritage Area.
By rescuing Lot 27 Cape Tribulation Rd, we’re extending the Rainforest Rescue Cape Kimberley Wildlife Corridor, the heart of this growing refuge.
And, thanks to you, Lot 27 will now be protected forever.
It’s Our Nature To Protect
Rare and endangered species like the Southern Cassowary and the Spectacled Flying-fox are found here, amidst ancient and primitive flowering plants. Rescuing this property extended priceless habitat, providing safe haven and foraging land while significantly building on existing Rainforest Rescue protected areas. This rescue is of vital importance and will prevent rainforest destruction. It’s essential that we protect land like this for Nature.
Conservation work in the Daintree supports this ancient forest ecosystem that has been evolving longer than any other in the world – by tens of millions of years – and is Australia’s largest and most biodiverse. With the help of Rainforest Rescuers – people like you – we’ve rescued 2 priceless rainforest properties in 2019, significantly protecting pristine habitat for Nature and achieving a strong win for biodiversity. In addition to Lot 15 Thornton Peak Drive, our 33rd rescue in the Daintree, Lot 30 Cape Tribulation Rd, was successfully rescued because of people like you who recognise the power and importance of conservation. We are successful together.
Lot 27 – Rescued!
Lot 27 Cape Tribulation Rd, like Lot 30, borders the National Park and is adjacent to the Cape Kimberley Wildlife Corridor – we know this area well. Because of the connectivity to the National Park and World Heritage Area, and with a lack of protection on several of the properties still outside of the refuge, this property was high priority for rescue and protection. Lot 27 will likely qualify for inclusion into this protected corridor and is a real win for Nature and for everyone who stands for conservation.
With your help, we can Protect Rainforests Forever.
This dense, intact rainforest conjures up images of an ancient world, before subdivisions and development became a threat to Nature and our common future. Thick leaf litter, rich and humid air carrying the scent of flowers and mulch, the sounds of Wompoo pigeons calling to their mates and parrots screeching captivate the senses.
Massive trees, twisting vines, a diversity of fungus, insects and beautiful butterflies – massive, vivid blue Ulysses butterflies – and more, inspire us to protect this haven for Nature.
Cassowary droppings show this is a regular path on their foraging journeys through this habitat shared with other endangered and threatened species, like the Musky Rat-Kangaroo and the Spectacled Fruit Bat.
Its location, dynamic structure and biodiversity make it an ideal candidate for nature refuge status and Wildlife Corridor inclusion. It scores very high on our ecological assessment and needs your help to protect it.
The endangered Spectacled Flying-fox relies on the Daintree for survival.
This property was most definitely at risk of development and was on the open market with a big FOR SALE sign on it.
The real heroes behind these stories of successful conservation outcomes are our supporters – you and others like you who you know that this strategy works. Your contributions directly rescue and protect Nature in Australia’s largest, most biodiverse rainforest.
Your generosity and commitment to Nature makes a real and important difference that benefits threatened habitat, water catchment and wildlife. Every rescue is essential, and we will keep rescuing rainforest, block by block, protecting it forever, but only with your help.

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