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Lot 1 Cape Tribulation Rd will be Protected Forever

3.9 hectares of Littoral Rainforest where the rainforest meets the reef

Thanks to your support, we have purchased this unique property that connects the rainforest to the reef, so it can be Protected Forever.

Lot 1 Cape Tribulation Rd is 3.9 hectares (just under 10 acres) of both critically endangered Littoral Rainforest and endangered Wet Tropics Lowland Rainforest, and it ticks both the EPBC Endangered and Critically Endangered Ecosystem boxes. This purchase is one of only two northern property rescues this far north, moving us closer to our longer term goal –  the creation of connected corridors that prevent future development and encourage wildlife and plant species to thrive.

We’ve never purchased a property quite like this before.

At Rainforest Rescue, while we’re very keen to plant more trees and restore more precious Daintree habitat, we know that protecting undisturbed and pristine habitat is essential for maintaining the threatened populations of species that live there.

Lot 1 Cape Tribulation Road is directly connected to the esplanade reserve which ends at the sea in view of the Great Barrier Reef— it’s easy to see why someone wanted to purchase this and develop it. Fortunately, their finances didn’t work out.

This property – in fact all the protected coastal properties – play a crucial role in helping prevent soil runoff into the sea and onto the reef.

It also provides invaluable refugia and foraging grounds for the rare and threatened species of the Daintree that we all love so much, like the Southern Cassowary and Bennett’s Tree-Kangaroo.

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“The two most compelling arguments for purchasing this property are the existence of two regionally endangered ecosystems and the connectivity to both the coastal forests extending north and south and to the National Park/ Wet Tropics WHA across the road to the west.”

— Allen Sheather, Rainforest Rescue’s Daintree Ecological Advisor

Recently our CEO, Branden, met with Dean Miller, Managing Director of the Great Barrier Reef Legacy, to discuss the relationship between the rainforest and the reef.

Dean explained that this connection has never been more apparent or crucial as they rely on each other for their very survival.

Healthy coral reefs provide the molecules that create cloud formation which drive weather patterns and induce rainfall that rainforests depend on. While rainforests act as the kidneys of the land to hold fast the soil and ensure water draining off these magnificent places is clear and nutrient poor so corals don’t suffocate.

It’s a fine balance that has been going on for millennia but things are rapidly and profoundly changing.

Increasing global temperatures are causing widespread mass coral bleaching and in several years coral mortality. This in turn has an impact on rainfall in adjacent forests, which will eventually dry out and alter these moisture sensitive systems to the point where they are even susceptible to burning.

Clearly, we must prevent this.

The total property price was $285,000, and, because of your support, we were able to purchase it so we can protect it forever.

In addition to protecting vital Littoral Rainforests, like those at Lot 1, the other thing we can do for rainforests is create more habitat to increase the overall density and retain as much moisture as possible. This also creates refuges for wildlife and increases the resilience of these systems.

Lot 1 Cape Tribulation Rd Image Gallery

Although the Daintree isn’t being logged and cleared wholesale like other parts of Queensland, Tasmania and New South Wales, it still suffers from development and increased human activities – the preciousness of this place is beyond the mere value of any ‘development’.

Rainforest Rescue has stringent guidelines with regards to properties we protect. We prioritise areas that have the highest ecological conservation values: intact habitat, canopy cover, connectivity to other protected areas or endangered areas that should be, and of course to National Parks.

But overall, we always look to protect the unprotected Daintree.

On it’s conservation values alone Lot 1 Cape Tribulation Rd is a very worthy rescue. We’ve had confirmation from the DES, Allen Sheather, Barbara Maslen, and our Land Manager, Justin McMahon, that this is an exceptional property to purchase.

Removing another development threat so close to such a valuable coastal ecosystem is an important win for Nature, and with your help this property won’t become a beachfront destination.

Thank you for helping us rescue this pristine property and Protect it Forever.

Every step we take, no matter how modest or how insignificant it may seem, is a step for preserving what is valuable to all of us; nature. And the step you take, is indeed a step to building your legacy together with Rainforest Rescue.

PROTECTED – Lot 1 Cape Tribulation Rd


It’s in our nature to protect. With the help of Rainforest Rescuers – people like you – we are significantly protecting pristine habitat for Nature and achieving strong wins for biodiversity. Visit our Protection Portfolio page for a full list of properties protected by Rainforest Rescue since 1999.


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