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Rewilding the Daintree through Her Paintbrush

 In Business Partners, News, Partnerships, Restoration

Jaimee Paul – a very talented artist – is Rewilding the Daintree through her paintbrush. We recently caught up with Jaimee to chat about her ‘Rewild x Rainforest Rescue’ Project, and why she felt so compelled to work with us in protecting the unprotected Daintree rainforest.

Jaimee Paul #ArtForPurpose

First up, can you tell us a bit about yourself, your work, and how you came to connect with Rainforest Rescue?

I was born in New Zealand on a farm so I have always been surrounded by animals. Since age 16 I’ve called Sydney’s Northern Beaches home, the land of the Gadigal people. Both my nana’s were artists so since I could hold a paint brush I have always created. Since 2012 I have called myself an artist and I’m so lucky to live such a creative life. 

My mission through my work is to remind people of the beauty and positive things worth protecting in this world. The core of my practice is creating Art for Purpose, raising funds and awareness for nature and its beings.

Since visiting back in 2013, I have followed the story of deforestation in the Daintree for a long time, seeing what Rainforest Rescue does gives me and so many others hope and it was through my friend, Rainforest Rescue’s Ambassador, Jasmine Carey, that I was drawn to make contact as the organisation to support for this project.

Can you tell us about this particular Project – Rewild x Rainforest Rescue? 

I’ve been really honoured with the invitation to be part of the first ever M H Carnegie & Co Art NFT fellowship Award with a selected group of Australian based fine artists to launch our first NFT’s with the help of the ‘MINT NFT’ and Justin Miller Art Gallery team that is exploring this new world with us. The artists are spread across many mediums like; virtual reality, painting, drawing, digital artwork, murals and traditional indigenous artworks with non traditional outcomes.

I’m really excited to see my Art For Purpose launched into this emerging technology world and what it can do for conservation. It is important to me to always hold a deeper meaning behind the works I create as art has the power to inspire change and share hope of what’s worth protecting… and this is where Rainforest Rescue comes in. These animated NFT For Purpose artworks will support this regenerative charity organisation with a percentage of its sale being donated (in perpetuity… Just like RR saves land… FOREVER) This has never been able to be achieved with art sales until now! I see this being the way that artists are able to support themselves and our planet into the future.

**OK – quick explanation for our readers – what NFT’s are!**

‘’NFT stands for non-fungible token. Simply put, it is a digital token that exists on the blockchain to record proof of ownership for the person holding it. Each token is completely unique because it has its own unique metadata which can never be replicated or replaced for another. (Source here).’’

Back to Jaimee and the Project…

Yes, so it can be digital artwork, a physical artwork.. a song… a ticket to an online conference. Anything really. For example… Only one person can own a website domain or the Mona Lisa, yet many people can view it and enjoy it. It’s kind of like that. Then as they go up in value… they can be bought and re sold like traditional artworks or an invested coin on the blockchain.

So, in this case, Jaimee’s particular artwork of the gorgeous koala is totally unique and can only ever be owned by one person at one time, unless they then sell it. It is just in a digital form, and will gain in value as artworks do in the traditional realm.

So I am using the Smart contract technology that enables a built in fee structure (a % of the initial sale, and a much smaller ongoing  % of future sales) that would go to an NGO (and to the artist and the involved photographer). 

So – After visiting Australia Zoo this year, I spent hours watching these Beings up close… and I remember thinking, how rare it is to come eye to eye for so many… I have created this painting of a koala <as above> to be part of this project, and to share that moment with those that aren’t able to see nature up close. As an Australian emblem, the Koala continually faces challenges brought about by climate change and deforestation that puts all Beings at the brink of extinction. The most recent wildfires of 2019-20 highlights how terrifyingly close we are to witnessing their disappearance first hand. In a larger than life animation, the Koala that typically resides out of sight among Australia’s eucalyptus treetops, is brought to eye level, beseeching us to see, not only them but all Beings, urging immediate action to regenerate and protect our wild places.

Being released in November… The first sale of this work, 20% will be donated to the work of Rainforest Rescue. You can see more about the project in this short video…

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To see the project come alive before its launch and follow more of my work, head to my Instagram or website

Jaimee, we are so excited and grateful to be working with you! Will you please come join us in the Daintree soon – so you can see first hand what your funds from this beautiful artwork will help us to achieve?

 Yes – I want to come up as soon as possible to see this magic place again! Let’s make it happen! 

Our pristine lands need to be protected forever. Rainforest Rescue does just that! I am so excited to partner with you all, while exploring a new way technology and fine art can make a positive impact for the planet.

Jaimee please keep in touch as this wonderful projects start to roll out – we can’t wait to see how this new technology can shape the positive impact on our Planet!


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