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25th Property in the Daintree is Protected

 In Conservation, News, Rescue

Thanks to the support of our donors, we were able to purchase the 25th Daintree property to protect forever on 30 October 2015.

We were very keen to protect Lot 13 as it had only limited disturbance and the rainforest canopy was intact. As the eighth property owned by Rainforest Rescue in the Forest Creek precinct, Lot 13 provides the missing connection we’d been hoping for. It backs onto Lot 16 Forest Close (purchased in early 2014), is adjacent to two more Rainforest Rescue properties, and is only 100 metres away from Lot 15.

It also shares its southern border with the Daintree National Park and is in close proximity to Lots 7, 8, and 9 and to the World Heritage area. Lot 13 is an important piece of habitat, key to the survival of unique fauna, like the vulnerably listed Bennett’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus bennettianus) and the endangered southern cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii). We also know that by protecting it we are protecting a number of rare, endemic plant species including the black palm (Normanbya normanbyi).

Thank you for helping us to extend the Forest Creek wildlife corridor. “Donors made protecting this land possible and we are incredibly grateful,” said Grant Binns Managing Director.


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