Our Latest Partners for Protection

Our Latest Partners for Protection   Our Partners for Protection play a vital role in restoration and conservation. Whether big or small, our business partners take their hard-earned funds [...]

Gamers Unite to Save Rainforest!

The votes are in at the social impact fund!  And the winner is…Rainforest Rescue! We are so excited to share that we were awarded an amazing GlobalGiving grant in partnership with Riot [...]

Ground Grocer Goodness

Recently, Rainforest Rescue enjoyed the company of two special visitors in the Daintree from Orange, NSW, Mark and Clare. They are the owners of the fully certified organic Habitat Vineyard, the [...]

Please Welcome Sigrid Wilkens

Please welcome Sigrid Wilkens to the Rainforest Rescue team. As Rainforest Rescue’s Land Labourer & Partnerships Support Officer, Sigrid works alongside Justin McMahon on the land as [...]