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Rainforest to Reef – A Symbiotic Relationship

 In Conservation, News, Partnerships


In Far North Queensland, the Rainforest2Reef partnership brings real conservation action to the fight to protect the Daintree Lowlands and the Great Barrier Reef.

*** This article originally appeared in the PXL EXPLORERS #01 Newsletter 2019 – find out more about this wonderful publication here. Find out more about Rainforest Rescue’s Ambassadors, Darren Jew & Jasmine Carey, here. ***

When two World Heritage areas lie immediately adjacent to one another, there is bound to be some level of interaction between them. This is certainly the reality of far north Queensland’s Wet Tropics Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef.  The GBReef and the Daintree Rainforest share a number of similarities, aside from their location. Both of these stunningly beautiful areas are blessed with significant levels of biodiversity. Both have life forms that exist nowhere else on the planet. Both are internationally recognised as remarkable and critically important ecosystems to protect – both for now and for the future

We know that these two important ecosystems offer a great deal to the well being of their surrounding areas. But they also share a symbiotic relationship that is vitally important, and this relates to water – specifically to water quality.

The Daintree Rainforest has attracted the moniker of ‘Where The Rainforest Meets The Sea’. Nowhere else on the Wet Tropics coastline does intact rainforest occur all the way from the uplands to the coast. The high volume of rain this entire region moves through this rainforest catchment, ultimately making its way to the sea, and the reef. An intact rainforest acts as a filter, ensuring that only freshwater runs off into the catchment.

Rainforest Rescue fundraises to buy back and protect vulnerable intact rainforest that is not already part of the national park area. They are also involved in large restoration projects on degraded rainforest landscapes in order to bring these back to dynamic rainforest. In the past fifteen years, Rainforest Rescue has planted over 200,000 rainforest trees in the Daintree lowlands in their restoration projects.

Rainforest2Reef has grown into an organisational interaction between Rainforest Rescue and Great Barrier Reef Legacy. The GBRL uses real science to monitor the state of the reef. Rainforest Rescue recognises how important it is to contribute to positive outcomes for these two World Heritage sites, and the clear water connection between them.

“Rainforest and reef are linked… by water.  In the Daintree lowlands, ancient trees hold aloft a continuous canopy that protects the land and soil… right to the fringe of stream and reef. Here, evolution is not a memory, it is alive and nurtured by clean, clear,  water.”

– Dr Robert Kooyman, Scientific Advisor, Rainforest Rescue

“Great Barrier Reef Legacy is very pleased to partner with Rainforest Rescue and work together to expand coastal rainforest habitat while also improving water quality for the benefit of a healthier Reef. It is fantastic that our two conservation groups are now teaming up to expand positive outcomes and awareness of the interconnectivity between the reef and the rainforest in Australia and the world. The reef and the rainforest are two of the most important and diverse ecosystems on the planet and we must all pull together to secure a healthy world and economy.”
– John Rumney, Managing Director, Great Barrier Reef Legacy

For more information on Great Barrier Reef Legacy and the amazing work they’re doing, visit

To learn more about Rainforest Rescue’s conservation partners, click here.

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