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NightWings takes action to restore and protect the Daintree Rainforest

 In Conservation, News, Restoration, Tree Planting

As global attention turns toward climate solutions, stories like the one unfolding at NightWings Rainforest Centre are inspiring international audiences. What might feel familiar to us at Rainforest Rescue is fresh and significant on the world stage—an example of how local action can contribute to global change. The transformation of 15 hectares of former sugarcane fields into thriving rainforest is not just a story of reforestation but one of hope, collaboration, and biodiversity restoration. Discover how this project, supported by Rainforest Rescue, is gaining recognition beyond our borders and making a lasting impact on the Daintree and beyond.


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The NightWings Rainforest Centre is leading an ambitious effort to restore the Daintree lowland rainforest. Partnering with Rainforest Rescue, the initiative aims to convert fifteen hectares of old sugarcane fields into a thriving rainforest ecosystem. Since its inception, the dedicated efforts of staff and volunteers have resulted in the planting of tens of thousands of trees, transforming the barren land into a vibrant habitat for native Australian wildlife.

Transforming sugarcane fields into flourishing rainforest

In 2015, Rainforest Rescue was approached by landowner Annie Schoenberger, the founder of the NightWings Rainforest Centre and a devoted bat carer, with a visionary project: to transform fifteen hectares of old sugarcane fields into a thriving Daintree lowland rainforest. The following year, with the support of numerous individuals, organizations, and businesses, the first of many planting days was held at NightWings.

Since then, the restoration project has seen tens of thousands of trees planted by Rainforest Rescue staff and volunteers. These efforts have been pivotal in repairing the damaged land. Today, many of those seedlings have grown into mature trees, establishing a vibrant habitat for various species. By the project’s completion, these trees will create a continuous forest corridor from the lowland Daintree to the upland rainforest, extending to the coast.


NightWings Aerial Photo 2016 vs 2022. Image credit © Martin Stringer


Enhancing biodiversity through diverse tree species

The diversity of tree species is a key aspect of the project’s success. Over 150 species, primarily fruiting varieties, attract birds and bats, which aid in seed dispersal to adjoining rainforests. These trees, propagated and prepared for planting at Rainforest Rescue’s Native Nursery in Diwan, now stand over five meters tall, with lush ground vegetation supporting a burgeoning population of insects, lizards, and birds.

The global importance of the Daintree

The Daintree is one of the world’s oldest rainforests. Its rich biodiversity includes thousands of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. The rainforest plays a vital role in regulating the planet’s climate, storing carbon, and maintaining water cycles. The restoration efforts at NightWings are crucial in preserving this unique and irreplaceable ecosystem, ensuring its resilience against the threats of deforestation and climate change.


Lot 18 Cape Kimberley Road. Image credit © Martin Stringer


Rainforest Rescue: Championing reforestation

Rainforest Rescue, one of One Earth’s place-based partners and renowned for its Plant a Rainforest projects, has been instrumental in supporting NightWings. This collaboration is more than just reforestation; it’s a vital climate solution. By planting over 150 species of trees, including many fruiting varieties, the project promotes biodiversity, attracting birds and bats that help in seed dispersal to adjoining rainforests.

Beyond reforestation: Enhancing water quality and marine health

The benefits of the NightWings project extend beyond reforestation. Water quality improvements have been significant, with reduced sedimentation and turbidity levels benefiting the Great Barrier Reef. The restored rainforest acts as a natural filter, enhancing the health of this critical marine ecosystem. This work is an example of the importance of integrated conservation efforts, linking land and sea for holistic environmental health.


2024 Annual Community Tree Planting at NightWings. Image credit: © Martin Stringer


Community involvement and future plans

Community engagement has been a cornerstone of the NightWings restoration project. Annual Community Tree Planting Days, supported by Rainforest Rescue, bring together individuals, businesses, and organizations, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and achievement. The project’s future includes applying for Nature Refuge status, ensuring permanent protection for this vital habitat and its resident species, particularly fruit bats.

“The success of the NightWings project relies on the support of committed people, businesses, and organizations focused on restoring these complex and dynamic biodiverse ecosystems.” — Annie Schoenberger, Founder of the NightWings Rainforest Centre.

The NightWings Rainforest Centre’s restoration project, supported by Rainforest Rescue, exemplifies effective collaboration in addressing climate change and biodiversity loss. Through reforestation, community involvement, and integrated conservation efforts, this initiative is creating hope and resilience in the Daintree lowlands.


The work being done at NightWings Rainforest Centre, in partnership with Rainforest Rescue, is a beacon of hope for the future of the Daintree Rainforest. Annie Schoenberger, the owner of NightWings, recently shared her pride, saying, “I’m incredibly proud and so grateful for what’s been achieved on NightWings. We know of 2 cassowaries that were born on or near the property and roam the land now. Two echidnas are residents as well. And the bats, of course, have breakfast for miles. That’s what it’s all about.”

As we continue to plant trees, restore ecosystems, and protect biodiversity, we are grateful for the collective efforts of individuals, businesses, and communities who share our vision. Together, we can create lasting change for the environment and preserve the Daintree for generations to come. To learn more about this transformative project and our partners, visit the original article on One Earth here. One Earth is an inspiring platform dedicated to environmental conservation and climate action.



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