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Protecting Lot 38 Cape Tribulation Rd Forever

 In Conservation, News, Rescue
Two weeks ago we went out on a limb and signed the sales contract on one of the blocks of rainforest we identified as having high conservation value – we were worried it was going to be purchased by developers. By Thursday we had received enough donations to buy Lot 13 Forest Creek Road … but more than that…

the purchase of our second priority piece of land, Lot 38 Cape Tribulation Rd, is now almost a reality too!

Buoyed by your support I was able to negotiate a discounted price with the vendor. We are now committed to this purchase as well!
We are only $18,200 short of the goal needed to secure Lot 38 and the biodiversity it protects. Your gift of $45 will buy a pristine 5m2 piece of rainforest, or $135 will buy 15m2.
Please make a donation today and help us protect Lot 38 Cape Tribulation Rd forever from the bulldozer. You will reduce your tax bill while making a massive contribution to the preservation and protection of the Daintree Lowland Rainforest and all the amazing species it shelters.
Yours in caring for our rainforest,
Grant Binns
Managing Director, Rainforest Rescue
Please act today – your donation is a very real gift – it will help protect the Daintree rainforest from development.

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