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Planting Rainforests for the Future

 In News, Restoration, Tree Planting

Planting Rainforests is easier with extra hands!
Locals were joined by Rainforest Rescue staff from Mullumbimby, Sydney and the Daintree, along with volunteers from several corporate donors.

Jalunjiwarra Traditional Owners Andrew and David Solomon welcomed the tree planting group to country before the hard work got underway.

About 4000 trees were planted at two sites; the old oil palm block at Lot 46 Cape Tribulation Road and a section of Daintree National Park near the Rainforest Rescue nursery. The nursery produces 20,000 young trees each year for rehabilitation of rainforest in the Daintree region.

The weekend completed the plantings at Lot 46 where over 37,000 trees have been planted since 2011.

Lot 46 has been rehabilitated after a massive clean-up of 180 tonnes of rubbish, 120 oil palms and plenty of weeds.

The Daintree Buy Back & Protect Forever Project has now purchased over 25 blocks of private land in key conservation areas which are susceptible to development impacts.

The lots are protected in perpetuity under a Nature Refuge Agreement with the Queensland Government. These blocks help to conserve cassowary habitat and wildlife corridors next to the World Heritage Area. The blocks are also home to a suite of endemic plants and animals on the Daintree lowlands – a living museum of ancient rainforest species.

The Wet Tropics Management Authority has a long history of working with Rainforest Rescue. Rainforest Rescue partners with various government agencies and encourages sponsorship to help conserve Wet Tropics rainforests and enhance ecological connectivity adjacent to the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and Daintree National Park.

The Authority has also worked closely with Rainforest Rescue on the Save the Cassowary campaign and Cassowary Recovery Team.

Wet Tropics Management Authority eNews August Edition 2015

Photographer Marty Stringer

  The Rainforest Rescue tree planting team and volunteers

© Rainforest Rescue | Image Martin Stringer

Thank you to everyone involved.


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