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Celebrate World Environment Day

 In Fauna, News, Rescue

Today more than two-thirds of the Lowlands remain unprotected – most of the rainforest is in the hands of private owners – and can be developed and the pristine rainforest destroyed at any time. All hope is not lost though! At Rainforest Rescue we know we can do something about this… but we need your help; your donations to Buy Back the Daintree. Together, we can save Daintree rainforest.

On this World Environment Day let’s take a moment to think about the practical and tangible ways we can Protect the Daintree Rainforest Forever

Daintree RainforestRight now we have identified three pristine blocks that are listed for sale with real estate agents. If we don’t buy them, then more than likely they’ll be sold to people wanting to build a house – or worse still – flatten the rainforest for agriculture or development.

Please donate today and help us Protect the Daintree Rainforest Forever.

We need your help to buy Lot 13 Forest Creek Road, Forest Creek and Lots 32 and 38 Cape Tribulation Road, Daintree.

These 3 rainforest blocks are an urgent priority for Rainforest Rescue to purchase and protect forever because:

  • All properties are currently listed for sale with real estate agents and under threat of development.
  • Lot 13 is a flat block with excellent road access, so is at significant risk (the real estate agent handling this property warned land like Lot 13 rarely stays on the market for long).
  • Location, location, location!
  • All properties are in very close proximity to other Rainforest Rescue protected rainforest; Daintree national park; World Heritage areas and/or other protected nature refuges (see map for more information).
  • Connectivity is the key! Connectivity is essential for the wellbeing of the rainforest’s unique and threatened fauna. It provides extended tracts of habitat for wildlife to feed, breed and raise their young.
  • Lot 13 is home to the rarely seen Bennett’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus bennettianus).
  • All three properties are classified as essential habitat for the endangered Southern cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii).
  • The rainforest on all these properties is relatively untouched and requires only minimal rehabilitation.
  • Several plants of limited distribution such as black palms (Normanbya normanbyi), red beech (Dillenia alata) and grey rhodomyrtus (Rhodomyrtus effuse) grow on these properties.

Please join with us on the World Environment Day and stop the destruction of more of the Daintree Lowland Rainforest.

Become a Rainforest Rescuer today and help us Protect the Daintree Rainforest Forever.

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