David Suzuki’s Daintree Message
“The Daintree Rainforest is one of the most spectacular ecosystems in the world”
– Dr David Suzuki in a statement supporting Rainforest Rescue and the Daintree Buy Back and Protect Forever Project.
Dr. David Suzuki, the world-renowned journalist, and biologist urged all Australians to get behind Rainforest Rescue’s Daintree Buy Back and Protect Forever Project.
“Come on Australia!” David Suzuki’s Daintree message urges “You can buy back and protect forever areas of the World Heritage Value Daintree Rainforest.”
With community support, this is exactly what Rainforest Rescue has been doing. 38 properties have now been purchased and protected in the Daintree.
Click here to make a tax-deductible donation and help Protect Rainforests Forever.
The lowland tropical rainforest of the Daintree coast is under threat from rural residential development following the creation of subdivisions in the 1980s.
The Daintree Buy Back and Protect Forever Project creates opportunities for individuals, families, organisations, and businesses to become involved in buying back the Daintree rainforests.

When you give generously, you become part of a committed team of individuals who collectively are helping to preserve some of the most biodiverse habitats and the species that live within them on this planet. Become a Rainforest Rescuer today!